10 Amazing Health Benefits and Uses of Sage Leaves

The health benefits of sage leaves and their uses. 

1. Sage is a common herb which is used to flavour delicious meals. This has been used since ancient times and has some wonderful health benefits for the human body.

2. Sage contains rosmarinic acid which strengthens the lungs and aids breathing. Drinking sage tea works to boosts oxygen levels in the blood and protects the body from heart disease.

3. The leaves of the sage are usually stripped from the plant and then boiled water is added to make a herbal tea. They are often sprinkled over meats, fish and vegetables to add flavour. It is commonly used in pork sausages and delicious lamb stews.

4. The leaves are also dried and ground into a fine powder. This keeps the herb fresh in an airtight container for up to a year or more.

5. This herb is a wonderful source of magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin A and K. These nutrients help the body to maintain healthy bones, teeth and eyes.

6. The ancient Egyptians used sage to improve fertility and healthy pregnancies. The nutrients and antioxidants improve hormone balance, and blood flow.

7. The Greeks historically used sage juice to help stop wounds from bleeding, by disinfecting sores and promoting healing of stomach ulcers.

8. A pot of hot water infused with sage can be used to treat a sore throat, cough or hoarseness. This works especially well for public speakers or singers.

9. Studies have shown that sage leaves contain three powerful flavonoids called apigenin, luteolin and diosmetin. These have antioxidant effects which destroy harmful free radicals and help to maintain a young healthy body.

10. These flavonoids and rosmarinic acid have been linked to the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. They help in modulating neurotransmission of an important enzyme in the brain.

11. Sage leaves are also used in rituals around the world to rid the home of negative energy. The dried stalks and leaves are tied together and burned and waved around the home. This process is known as “Smudging.”

12. Sage essential oil is made by steam distillation and can be used around the home as a cleaning agent. This has been shown to destroy harmful bacteria such as E.Coli and Salmonella. 13. Pregnant or nursing mothers should avoid the use of sage excessively, as it may cause contractions and reduce the production of breast milk.

14. Sage leaf extract or capsules can be purchased from health food stores around the world. This has been shown to lower blood sugar levels and cholesterol for diabetics.

15. These tablets or fresh sage are excellent for menopausal women. The compounds within help to balance the hormones and reduce hot flushes by up to 64 per cent.

Sage was one of four ingredients used in medieval times to make “four thieves vinegar.” This was a tonic used to prevent infection of the bubonic plague. It was known then as “Salvia Salvatrix”. We recommend using fresh sage to make a homemade turkey dressing. This is used traditionally for Thanksgiving in America. To create a healing throat gargle, simply steep a teaspoon of sage leaves in a cup of hot water for 30 minutes and then rinse around the mouth. This is as powerful as medical throat sprays prescribed by doctors. In England sage and onion stuffing is a compliment served with roast dinner, traditionally on Sundays.