10 Best Foods for Hair Growth

A list of 16 healthy foods for hair growth.

Many people are trying to grow strong and healthy hair, however, you may find that your hair splits easily. It may also be thinning out, or growing very slowly. Poor hair growth and hair loss are usually caused by nutrient deficiencies, ageing, hormonal problems, or fungus on the scalp. In order to build strong and healthy hair follicles, you need to supply your body with the right nutrients.

In this article, we will share with you a list of 16 foods for hair growth. These will supply the raw materials the body needs to grow strong and healthy hair.

1. Bone Broth: Bone broth is a wonderful source of collagen which makes up 70% of the hair, skin and naeakhabaar. Consuming bone broth regularly will help your body to grow healthy long hair follicles.

2. Sea Kelp: This is one of nature’s best sources of trace minerals. These tiny minerals are needed by the body in order to produce healthy skin cells, hair, naeakhabaar, bones and arteries.

3. Eggs: Eggs contain all the building blocks of life and are a rich source of B7. This vitamin is known as biotin and helps to carry nutrients to the hair and scalp. A deficiency in B vitamins can lead to hair loss.

4. Kale: In men hair loss is usually caused by having too much DHT in the body. This is a powerful hormone which can also affect women. Eating kale blocks the production of DHT due to its phytonutrients.

5. Blueberries: These delicious berries are loaded with Vitamin C, a potent antioxidant. This helps the body to grow keratin, a form of protein that the hair is made of.

6. Diatomaceous Earth: You can get a food-grade supplement of this in health food stores. It is one of the world’s best sources of silica which is vital to maintain strong hair when ageing. It also makes the naeakhabaar become shiny and healthy.

7. Salmon: Rich in omega 3 fatty acids, salmon can lower inflammation in the body. Lowering inflammation leads to stronger hair growth making the follicles less likely to break.

8. Pecan Nuts: Thyroid problems, particularly in women, can lead to hair loss or poor hair growth. Pecans are loaded with iodine which supports the thyroid gland and hair growth.

9. Lemon Juice: This contains citric acid which can cleanse the body of toxins. Toxins if left unchecked can lead to hair loss. Lemon juice also aids with digestion allowing you to absorb more nutrients and raw materials for hair growth.

10. Flaxseeds: Freshly ground flaxseeds supply the body with Vitamin E, selenium and zinc. These important nutrients play a role in the production of keratin and hair follicles.

11. Apple Cider Vinegar: This helps to speed up the process of growing hair. Drink 2 teaspoons in a glass of water alongside nutritious foods such as salmon, trout and mackerel. This helps your body to absorb the raw materials it needs for the hair.

12. Spinach: This is yet another leafy green vegetable which can block DHT from affecting your hair growth. It also contains Zinc, iron and many trace minerals for excellent hair growth.

13. Sweet Peppers: The high amount of Vitamin C found in sweet peppers promotes collagen production in the body. It also prevents free radicals from damaging the body with age. It contains Vitamin A to stimulate healthy oils in the scalp that protect the hair from damage.

14. Shrimp: We always recommend eating lots of seafood when trying to grow out the hair. Shrimp has an extraordinary amount of Vitamin D, along with protein, B vitamins, zinc and iron. All of these are powerful in strengthening hair growth and longevity.

15. Oysters: A lack of zinc in the diet can cause telogen effluvium, a form of hair loss caused by a deficiency. Oysters have a good amount of this and can reverse some types of hair loss.

16. Avocados: Last but not least, avocados are one of the greatest sources of nutrition for almost all bodily problems. They contain a high amount of Vitamin E which stimulates stronger hair growth within a few months. It also protects the scalp from irritation. It contains essential fatty acids which form the building blocks of the cells in the body, to promote a healthy head of hair.

As you can see, there are many foods that you can eat to grow thicker, longer and stronger hair. These foods provide everything the body needs to get on track with growing healthy follicles, skin cells, naeakhabaar and collagen. We also recommend massaging a little extra virgin coconut oil into the scalp often. This keeps unfriendly fungus and bacteria at bay, and conditions the hair naturally.