10 Top Uses and Health Benefits of Acai Berries Powder

The health benefits of acai powder.

1. Acai powder is made from freeze-dried acai berries. These are dark purple super fruits which grow on palm trees in the Amazon rainforest. These have a great range of health benefits for the human body.

2. Acai powder contains resveratrol which activates the SIRT1 gene. This gene protects the body against obesity and damage from the ageing process.

3. To enjoy its benefits, most people blend this into a smoothie with other fresh fruits and vegetables. It can also be enjoyed with yoghurts or sprinkled over porridge.

4. It has a tropical taste which is slightly tart which works well when mixed with apples or fresh apple juice.

5. The polyphenols in this powder may protect the brain from neurogenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.

6. The fresh berries and powdered variety are high in fibre. This is used to both calm and upset stomach and treat constipation. The fibre gets the digestive system back in working order.

7. Unusually, these berries have a high natural omega 3 fat content. This is a healthy fat which aids the body in absorbing vitamins and minerals.

8. The omega 3 also strengthens the cardiovascular system making you less likely to have a heart attack or stroke. Vitamin C within the powder also strengthens the connective tissue and helps the body to maintain healthy veins and arteries.

9. Acai is an excellent source of vitamin A. This improves the health of the eyes and reduces the risk of macular degeneration with age.

10. It also contains calcium, a very important mineral for maintaining the health of the bones, teeth and naeakhabaar.

11. We recommend blending a mixture of amla powder, acai powder and fresh bananas to form a morning wake-up smoothie. This powerfully tasty smoothie contains more antioxidants than the average person consumes in a week.

12. This powder is sometimes used in cosmetic products as a natural colouring dye. It has a very strong purple pigment which is antibacterial.

13. You can make a delicious tea by steeping a teaspoon of acai powder in hot water for 2 minutes. This can then be strained and drank; feel free to add a little raw honey.

14. The acai berry has been shown to have 10 times more antioxidants than found in grapes. Antioxidants work protect your skin from premature ageing. They also strengthen the vital organs and improve the overall health of the body.

15. Those who suffer from allergies should consider taking acai berry powder daily. It lowers histamine levels and reduces symptoms naturally.

16. It is also useful for arthritis suffers, as the vitamins and polyphenols reduce pain naturally. The minerals within are also helpful in strengthening joints, bones and connective tissues.

17. If you suffer from blood pressure issues then this powder can help. It helps the blood vessels to expand, also treating erectile dysfunction and swelling in the legs.