Check Gaya Railway Station Enquiry Phone Number and Contact Details

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You would see Gaya railway station enquiry phone number for your convenience. You may know that Gaya junction is major and one of the oldest railway stations situated in Bihar. The station comes under Mughalsarai division of ECR zone of Indian railways and has been serving the nation since 1900. There are total 9 platforms and 14 railway tracks in the station.

Gaya is a very important railway station in Delhi – Howrah and Mumbai – Howrah route. Almost all trains stop here and as a result, the station witness a large number of travelers every day. You could find sufficient parking space in the station premises and also a helpdesk for visitors. The city is  90 km far from the capital of Bihar state of India and N.H 83 connects them.

S.NO. Name Phone Number
1. Gaya Railway station enquiry number 0631-220283
2. Indian Railways General Enquiries 131
3. Indian Railways Reservation Enquiries Number 135
4. Indian Railways Customer Care Number 139
5. Indian Railways Helpline Number 24X7 011 – 39340000
6. Toll free number 1800111321

First of all, you have to know about the city and then decide that how it is so important. The district came into existence in 1965 after separating from Ramgarh, which is part of Jharkhand state of India today. Gaya is the ancient hub of the Buddhist community. Mahabodhi temple is the main attraction of the city and a large number of foreigners visit every year. Therefore, the temple was declared as a world heritage in 2002 by UNESCO. The city is famous for its religious and cultural legacy in the region.

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