EECP Treatment in Chandigarh (Enhanced External Counterpulsation)

What happens during EECP treatment?

EECP is a non-invasive, outpatient therapy. During treatment:

  • The patient lies down on a comfortable table in a treatment room
  • Three electrodes are applied to the skin of the chest and connected to a multipara monitor that is inbuilt into the machine to monitor ECG, Heart Rate, BP, Plethysmograph etc.
  • A set of 5 inflatable cuffs is wrapped around the calves, thighs and buttocks. These cuffs attach to air hoses that connect to valves that inflate and deflate the cuffs sequentially followed by the rapid release of pressure on deflation. This process happens in sync with the patient’s ECG to ensure maximum efficacy and safety.

How does EECP work?

  • The EECP treatment uses gentle compression on blood vessels in the lower limbs to increase blood flow to your heart safely during its relaxation phase. When the heart pumps again, pressure is released instantaneously. This lowers resistance in the blood vessels in the legs so that the heart finds it easier to pump blood to the entire body.
  • EECP may cause blood vessels to open small channels that become extra branches. These channels or collaterals may eventually become “natural bypass” vessels to provide blood flow to heart muscle. Once the blood supply is restored, the patient gets relief from the symptoms like chest pain, breathlessness etc.

Risks / Benefits of EECP treatment

How often are patients treated?

As per USFDA Approved protocols, Patients undergo 35 hours of EECP therapy. Treatment is administered 1 hour a day, seven days a week, for 7 weeks. Published studies conducted at reputed medical centers like Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins, Medanta Hospital etc internationally have demonstrated benefits for most patients including:

  • Decreased need for anti-anginal medication like Sorbitrate
  • Decrease in symptoms like angina, breathlessness, tiredness etc
  • Increased ability to do activities without onset of symptoms
  • Ability to return to normal routine activities

Who is a candidate for EECP?

You may be a candidate if you:

  • Have chronic stable angina
  • Are not getting sufficient relief from angina by taking medicines likenitrates
  • Are not suitable candidates for invasive procedures (bypass surgery, angioplasty, or stenting)
  • Want to avoid RISKY & EXPENSIVE Bypass Surgery/Stenting