Fortis Hospitals in Mumbai Address details, Phone number

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Fortis Hospitals in Mumbai is a significant part of the largest and most distinguished global healthcare chain – Fortis Healthcare Group. Ever since the days of its foundation all the Fortis hospitals located across Mumbai have been continuously giving in their best efforts towards the betterment of the society. They have been set up with the sole motive to serve the sick and the weak. Thus each center of Fortis Hospitals in Mumbai have been employed with some of the skilled and trustworthy doctors, technicians and nurses to take proper and prompt medical care especially of the emergency cases. Fortis hospital staffs are well known for their in depth knowledge in field of neurosciences, cardiac care, oncology, renal care, orthopedics, mother and child care and gastroenterology. All these treatments and medications can be afforded at a reasonable expense. Appointments can be made through the contact numbers and contact details allotted by each Fortis hospital of Mumbai located in Vashi, Kalyan, Mulund and Mahim (W).

All the Fortis Hospitals in Mumbai are growing rapidly in regards to contribution towards healthcare and are building their reputations by delivering international standard quality medical care to patients all over the Bollywood city. If you are a part of the metropolis then contact at the Fortis Hospitals in Mumbai Contact Details to get the best medical attention.

Fortis Hospitals in Mumbai Contact Details

Fortis Hospital in Vashi, Mumbai Contact Details

Address: Fortis Hiranandani Hospital Mini Sea Shore Road, Sector 10 A, Vashi,

Mumbai – 400703

Contact Number: +91 22 3919 9222

Emergency: +91 22 3919 9100


Fax: +91 22 3919 9220

Fortis Hospital in Kalyan, Mumbai Contact Details

Address: Fortis Hospital Shill Road, Bail Bazaar, Kalyan, Mumbai – 421301

Contact Number: +91 251 6694 444, 251 6694 100/ 98200 94400

Emergency: +91 251 6694 444


Fortis Hospital in Mulund, Mumbai Contact Details

Address: Fortis Hospital Mulund Goregaon Link Road, Mulund, Mumbai – 400078, Maharashtra.

Contact Number: +91 22 6799 4185, 99204 95120

Emergency: +91 22 4365 4365


Fortis Hospital in Mahim (W), Mumbai Contact Details

Address: S.L. Raheja Hospital Raheja Rugnalaya Marg, Mahim (W), Mumbai – 400016, Maharashtra.

Contact Number: +91 22 6652 9666, 22 6652 9999

Emergency: +91 22 66529888

Email: enquiries@fortishealthcare.comFax:+91 22 2444 2486

The complete network of Fortis Healthcare includes more than 50 hospitals, together with super specialty hospital hubs which are dedicated to one or more area of expertise. These hospices are interrelated to a larger system of multiple-specialty hospitals guaranteeing that patients have admittance to expert care for any sort of treatment. Thus in a nut shell, Fortis Hospitals in Mumbai is the best option to opt for when the hour to take special care of one’s physic arrives.

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