Health Benefits of Paragis Grass (Goose Grass)

The health benefits and uses of Paragis Grass, also known as goose grass.

1. Paragis or goose grass is widely known as a weed which grows along the roadsides and river banks in warmer areas of the world. The leaves are similar to common grass but have long spikelets which appear on the top as a flower. These produce the seeds of the plant. Many people do not realise that this herb has some wonderful health benefits and can be used as natural herbal medicine.

2. The plant contains silicon monoxide, chlorine and calcium oxide which is beneficial for your body.

3. The leaves, stems and roots of this plant can be used to heal certain problems. This can be achieved by adding freshly cut grass to a pot of boiling water and drinking as a herbal tea.

4. If you are suffering from a fever and need to bring your temperature down. Simply dig out some paragis roots and clean them, then add a bunch to a pot of water and drink. This will bring down the fever.

5. The drink can also be used as a natural antibiotic to heal urinary tract infections, whilst also destroying worms and parasites from your digestive tract.

6. High blood pressure can be reduced by drinking a tea made with the stems and leaves of the grass.

7. This tea also helps to treat dysentery and diarrhoea, by calming the stomach and easing pain.

8. The leaves and stems can also be finely sliced and mashed into a paste. This is placed on sprains and bruises to help them to heal faster.

9. You can also dry the leaves out in the sunshine, and then burn them. The smell works a natural insect repellent, and it’s completely free.

10. Adding the mashed leaves to a little coconut oil works a natural cure for dandruff on the scalp. Massage this into the scalp as a shampoo to prevent a flaky scalp and nourish the hair.

11. The natural compounds help to promote fertility, by bringing down inflammation in the body. This also treats bladder disorders and boosts the performance of the liver.

12. This has also been used to treat jaundice and malaria, alongside other traditional medicines.