Health Benefits of Rooibos Tea

The health benefits of Rooibos Tea

1. Rooibos tea is made with the dried leaves of the Aspalathus Linearis plant in South Africa. This is also known as red bush or African red tea and has some excellent health benefits for the human body.

2. Rooibos tea contains a compound called chrysoberyl with lowers high blood pressure naturally. It does this by opening the blood vessels and increasing circulation

3. The long-needled leaves are stripped from the plant and fermented and dried. This gives the tea is a bright red colour.

4. The tea has a sweet nutty flavour with earthy tones. Feel free to add a slice of lemon or a teaspoon of raw honey if you wish.

5. This herbal tea is an excellent source of calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, hydroxyl acid and Vitamin C. These nutrients help to maintain a healthy immune system.

6. For Centuries, rooibos has been used to reduce wrinkles and the development of fine lines. The alpha-hydroxy acid and superoxide dismutase it contains has anti-ageing properties for the skin.

7. Drinking rooibos tea is a fantastic way to enjoy a delicious drink without putting on weight. Each cup contains only 2-3 calories and is a perfect drink to cleanse the body during a diet.

8. Each cup is also loaded with powerful antioxidants which are anti-inflammatory. These help to reduce aches and pains, especially for those who suffer from arthritis.

9. The compounds within the tea also alleviate abdominal pain such as stomach cramps for women during their cycle.

10. If you suffer from allergic rhinitis or asthma, then consider drinking 2-3 cups of this beverage per day. The chrysoberyl reduces feelings of wheezing and coughing.

11. If you suffer from any other allergies, then you may find this works a treat. The quercetin within the tea reduces allergic reactions and works as a natural anti-histamine.

12. A medical study in Korea found that the rare polyphenol “aspalanthin” within rooibos tea can be used to prevent heart attacks and cardiovascular disease. It helps in regulating hormones and lowers the risk of hypertension.

13. Rooibos is one of the better herbal teas for building and strengthening bones. It contains luteolin and orientin. These have been scientifically shown to increase mineral content in the bones. Its calcium, manganese and fluoride help to prevent arthritis and osteoporosis.

14. Digestive problems are common in the modern world, as many suffer from diseases such as acid reflux, chronic upset stomachs and celiac disease. The antispasmodic nutrients in this herbal tea prevent stomach pains and take the stress off the digestive system.

15. Its vitamins and minerals also boost the immune system which prevents invaders from infecting the body.

16. Those who suffer from diabetes may also find rooibos useful, as it decreases insulin resistance and helps to regulate blood sugar levels.

17. Did you know, you can also purchase green rooibos tea. This has not to be oxidised and has a higher concentration of antioxidants. It has a more earthy flavour, similar to Asian green tea.

18. Unlike other herbal teas, Rooibos is naturally free from caffeine and contains no-oxalates. This lowers the risk of sleep disorders, restlessness and kidney stones.

19. Breast cancer patients should speak to a doctor before consuming lots of Rooibos. It can boost oestrogen levels, and this may cause issues if you have this disease.