Know 7 Fact About Chest Pain online

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Not all chest pains indicate heart attack; they can occur due to heartburn or muscle spasm. But, you must not ignore the severity of the situation. Ignoring chest pain can lead to life-threatening consequences. 

You must have an idea – of how to differentiate between heartburn and heart attack. Let’s get to know the potential reasons behind chest pain. And, always consult with a reputed chest pain specialist near you.

Common reasons behind chest pain


Angina is a medical term used to describe chest pain or a tight pressure around your chest cavity. It is not a heart attack. In this case, the amount of blood flowing through your heart muscles reduces, and it cannot meet the normal blood supply demand.

Angina typically occurs due to the build-up of plaque in the arteries. This restricts blood flow and increases the tension within the valves. The general sensations are burning and a tight grip on your chest, squeezing the chest cavity, etc.

It is of 2 types:

  • Stable – which occurs due to emotional stress.
  • Unstable – which occurs even while you are at rest.

It is a general warning sign that you have underlying coronary artery disease. And, it can lead to a heart attack if not taken immediate medical measures.


It is an inflammatory condition of the sac present around the heart, usually led by an infection. Apart from the neck or shoulder muscle, the pain rises sharply, making it difficult to breathe or swallow food. If you lie down on your back, the situation can go out of hand. 


This is also an inflammatory condition of the hot muscle where you feel severe chest pain and breathing problems, fatigue, and fever. So, contact a chest pain specialist immediately.

Aortic dchest pain specialistissection

This is a life-threatening condition and relatively uncommon where the aorta, the body’s largest artery, receives damage and tears. You may experience severe pain and a ripping sensation in your abdomen and throughout the neck.

Non-cardiac conditions

Evey chest pain might not be associated with your heart. You must be aware that other organs and tissues are related to the chest cavity – lungs, muscle, tendons, esophagus, nerves, etc.

Gastrointestinal diseases such as stomach ulcers, gallstones or any lung conditions such as pneumonia, blood clots, or a collapsed lung can also lead to chest pain. Severe panic disorder asthma or tendon strain is also a potential source of chest pain.

It is always advised to consult a chest pain specialist if you feel persistent pain or any sudden pain that lasts for more than 5 minutes.

Is there a difference in chest pain between men and women?

Based on experience shared – women, people with diabetes, and aged adults do not usually experience chest pain during a heart attack. They show other symptoms, such as dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea, chest pain radiating to both arms, etc.

This states that chest pain is not always a warning sign of a heart attack. Some people have even shared that they didn’t experience pain before a heart attack. So, always look out for signs, such as palpitation, sweating, faster heartbeat, etc.

Tests are prescribed, along with medications, to understand the present condition of the chest. Whether it is a cardiac or non-cardiac condition, based on that, treatment is advised.


Preventing chest pain means reducing medical ailments, and this can only be achieved through a healthy lifestyle. You need to maintain a strict diet, exercise, and reduce the consumption of alcohol and nicotine products. Never go for over-the-counter medicines and seek immediate help. Visit Best Hospitals for advanced treatments for managing chest pain.

Full details of 7 Fact About Chest Pain on our website.