Lakme Beauty Salons in Chandigarh Address details, Phone number

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Lakme Beauty Salons in Chandigarh Contact Details consists of all the important data related to Lakme Beauty Parlours located at Sector 44 –C and Sector 35-D. These are some of the best beauty parlours situated in the city. To provide their best beauty related services, the salons have given out their essential details such as Contact Number and Address through their Contact Details. Beauticians and consultants appointed by the Lakme Salons in Chandigarh have deep knowledge and experience in this field can guide one with tips concerning hair, hand and feet, skin and bridal wear. They also offer products which are scientifically proven and are produced with modern technology. They aim for client satisfaction and this is how they have managed to climb the ladder of success each passing year. Lakme Beauty Parlours also offer season and festive discounts and beauty packages.

Beauty services designed according to the taste and preference of modern women, Lakme Salons in Chandigarh can provide one with every luxury starting from clinical solutions to spa services. Till date they have never ceased to live up to the expectation of their customers. Hence Lakme Salons in Chandigarh Contact Details has been mentioned below for you to avail beauty luxuries at affordable price.

Lakme Beauty Salon in Sector 35-D Contact Details

Address: Lakme Salon SCO-268 (G.F), Sector 35-D, Chandigarh-36

Contact Number: (0172) 3045100/5076900

Lakme Beauty Salon in Sector 44 -C Contact Details

Address: Lakme Salon, SCO 261, Sector 44 C, Chandigarh

Contact Number: 4628800/ 5018800/ 8427753407

In India, Lakme came into existence about half a century ago. It is also recognized for being the first beauty chain to provide suggestions and tips in this field along with offering well researched cosmetic products. Consultation with specialized hair artists and skin experts from the brand can leave you to feel inspired and rejuvenated. So if you put up in this beautiful city forget not to be in touch with Lakme Beauty Salons in Chandigarh Contact Details to have beauty benefits.

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