Max Hospital in Gurgaon Address details, Phone number

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Max Hospital in Gurgaon Contact Details will direct you to the best hospital in Gurgaon located in Sushant Lok – 1. The hospital has earned a name for unparalleled standard of medical excellence with special concentration in the areas of Neuro Sciences, Orthopaedics & Joint Replacement Surgery, Cancer, Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery, mental health, nephrology, behavioral sciences, Eye Care and Dental care along with other thirty disciplines. They have appointed some the most skilled and professional doctors in these arenas of medical science to offer their best services to patients seeking their attention.

Max Hospital in Gurgaon is a part of Max Healthcare Institute based in Delhi and a wholly owned subsidiary company of Max India Limited that was established in 1985. In Gurgaon the institute had opened its Max Hospital in 2007 with the aim of providing health care facilities to a larger extent. The center has been equipped with globally accepted health care amenities and latest in terms of technology. Max Hospital in Gurgaon Contact Details has been mentioned below to be referred to in the hours of your need.

Max Hospital in Gurgaon Contact Details

Max Hospital in Sushant Lok 1, Gurgaon Contact Details

Address: B – Block, Sushant Lok 1, Gurgaon – 122001

Contact Number: +91 124 6623 000

Fax: +91 1246623111

Emergency Number: +91 1140554055

Quality, medical and service excellence has been the success pillar of the institute. Besides their quality proposals and projects are acknowledged at the highest level through official approval from the esteemed NABL and NABH. They are also expert in providing an array of remedial services, ranging from preventative to therapeutic to consultancy. The hospital’s teams of highly trained medical professionals are skilled experts in handling every situation with relative ease, serenity and concern.

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