MCQ Sweden Quiz

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Swedish Quiz Questions

Ques. Largest companies by market cap in Sweden?





Ans. (b)

Ques. In 1713 Charles XII, King of Sweden, cre­ated what position to ensure that pub­lic officials acted in accordance with the law and discharged their duties satisfactorily, and could initiate legal proceedings against them for dereliction of duty?

(a) The Mikado

(b) The Lord High Executioner

(c) His Majesty’s Supreme Ombudsman

(d) Chancellor of the Exchequer

Ans. (c)

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Ques. What trading company was a major influ­ence on the growth of the city Gothenburg in Sweden during the 18th and early 19th centuries?

(a) Volvo

(b) Swedish Trading Company Limited

(c) Swedish Pharma

(d) The Swedish East India Company

Ans. (d)

Ques. In October 2009 it was reported that what were being burnt as fuel at a ‘bioenergy’ plant in Karlskoga, in the central Sweden to provide heat for the Varmland region?

(a) Roses

(b) Rabbits

(c) Reindeer

(d) Secret government files

Ans. (b)

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What is Sweden famous for?

Sweden is famous for its wildlife. Many famous species live in the country, including the moose, one of the largest land mammals in the world. Sweden is also home to the lynx, a large cat famous for its hunting abilities. Reindeer are also common in Northern Sweden. There are also a number of different bird species found in Sweden, including eagles, hawks, and owls. In addition to its renowned wildlife, Sweden is also known for its delicious, hearty Swedish meatballs.

Sweden’s modern architecture and design are also well-known. In the 1920s, Sweden was the birthplace of modern furniture design. The functionalist style combines long, hallway-focused apartments with simple concrete or brick facades. In the 1960s, the Swedish government launched Miljonprogrammet, a massive public housing project aimed at building homes for a million new residents. The country is also a major alcohol producer, with Absolut Vodka accounting for over 30% of all Swedish alcohol consumption.

Seasons of Sweden:

The winter season is long and cold, while the summers are warm and sunny. With long, cold winters and short, warm summers, Sweden offers a climate that appeals to visitors. With plenty of snow and ice, most Swedes stay indoors during the winter, but many enjoy skiing and snowmobiling in the colder months.

About the author


Ankita (MA) is Full Time Content Strategist with extremely good command in researching and learning more on General Knowledge and Trivia about the World.

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