Natural Herb Gokshura Health Benefits

The health benefits and uses of Gokshura

1. Gokshura is a plant which is also known as ‘Tribulus Terrestris’ or ‘Puncture Vine’ as the spines are sharp enough to puncture bicycle tyres. This plant is used as a natural medicine in Greece and India and has some wonderful health benefits.

2. Gokshura has been shown to boost libido and sex drive in women and men. You can take this in a capsule supplement to increase sexual desire in a completely natural way.

3. Many men take gokshura to increase testosterone levels, however, modern studies show that this does not have any effect. It does, however, improve mood and drive.

4. If you suffer type 2 diabetes taking gokshura can help. It contains natural compounds that lower blood sugar levels over the course of three months.

5. If you suffer from kidney stones or urinary tract infections then gokshura may be useful. Taking this acts as a diuretic, meaning that it helps to flush the kidneys and urinary system.

6. This herb was used to make a general health tonic by the Ancient Greeks and is still used today in Ayurvedic medicine.

7. Traditionally this has also been used to build stronger muscles and improve athletic performance.

8. If you suffer from colds often then you may wish to take gokshura as a supplement. This can gently improve the immune system and make the body more resistant to infection.

9. It also has been shown to lower inflammation in the body making you feel more energised and healthy.

10. This is sometimes used in a combination mixed with other herbs to treat eczema in adults and children.

11. Gokshura can help to improve the health of the ovaries of women who have PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). Research shows that the herb can improve menstrual cycles, and lower body weight for women with PCOS.

12. If you are anaemic this herb may help to boost the absorption of iron in the body to improve the health of the blood.