Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Contact Details Address details, Phone number

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Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Contact Details is provided for those who wish to consult the highly skilled doctors and surgeons of the notable Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. For any medical emergency, dial Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Emergency Helpline Number. To know more about the medical facilities, academic programs and appointments send a mail to Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Email ID or refer to Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (SGRH) Contact Number and Contact Details. Reach Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi via the Address mentioned below.

Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Delhi Contact Details

Address: Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi 110060, India.

Contact Number: 011-25750000

Fax: 011-25861002

Email ID:

Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Emergency Helpline Numbers:  011-25750000, 011 42254000

A prominent philanthropist and educated to be a civil engineer, Sir Ganga Ram established the Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (SGRH) in 1921 at Lahore. The Partition of India hence, the hospital was inaugurated in 1954 at New Delhi where it continues to function at present. Currently a 675-bed multispecialty hospital, it was restructured in 1981 by Dr. Mahajan who still tends to the role of an Emeritus Consultant in the department of general surgery.  With a vision to be the frontrunners in the field of health care, medical learning, tutelage and research, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital employs a proficient team of doctors, nurses, para-medical and non- medical workforce. The facilities are made available at a decent cost, affordable for all sections of the society. Additionally, owing to the charitable character of the hospital, free treatment is meted out to the financially vulnerable patients. The hospital caters to a wide range of medical departments delivering effective diagnosis and medication to the patients. The minimal Access Surgery Department of the hospital is the first of its kind in South Asia. In case you are confronted with any medical issue or emergency, connect with the hospital via Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (SGRH) Contact Number and Contact Details we have arranged for you or visit SGRH using the Delhi Address.

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