Top 10 Facts about Killer Bees

Africanized honey bees are also known as killer bees and are a hybrid of the Western honey bee.

killer bees are a lot defensive than other types of honey bee spread over the African continent and have since spread to the Americas as well Small swarms of Africanized honey bees are capable of invading the hives of other types of the honey bee and killing the bees in that hive.

The Africanized honey bee has 28 subspecies which are spread over the African sub-continent and have since spread to the Americas and the Caribbean.

They are great foragers and begin doing so from a young age harvesting great quantities of pollen compared to their European counterparts

They are noted as being much more likely to attack a threat than their European counterparts.

When they do they can relentlessly attack in great numbers.

They are able to pursue their threat for over 50 yards with a hyper defensive behaviour which has earned them the name killer bees.

It’s not that they are any more venomous than the European honey bee it’s just their absolute relentless attack of any perceived threat which makes them more dangerous than any other type of honey bee.

Because of their relentlessness, they can sting in greater numbers and more often and so have caused more deaths than their European counterparts.