Tutorial Google XML Sitemaps and Its SEO Relevance


Google XML Sitemaps Tutorial for WordPress Beginners :

What do you do to make sure that your website’s content has indexed?

If you don’t have an answer to this question, you are missing the ship. Sure, the search engines may find your content without being pointed in an ideal way, but you don’t have to sit back and hope for the best.

Together with the Google XML Sitemaps plugin, a site will be generated automatically.

Best, however, as soon as you make a sitemap and are comfortable with the preferences, you can’t need to do anything else. Instead, the plugin does everything for you, upgrading your sitemap after each new item of content that you print.

You will find lots of “Basic Options” to address, so make sure that you focus on the value of each one. If all else fails or in case you do not understand what you’re doing, stick with the plugin’s default preferences.

Pro tip: submit the sitemap URL into Google through Google Search Console.

The Google XML Sitemaps plugin does all right, all in a simple to understand and efficient method. You couldn’t ask for anything more from a sitemap creation tool.