What is Role of White Blood Cells?

Why are White Blood Cells Important for us?

Besides red blood cells, platelets, and plasma. Our blood also contains white blood cells. White blood cells or leukocytes are important for us. As they are a very essential part of our immune system. They protect us from diseases and infections. Let’s look at the five major types of white blood cells. They are neutropheakhabaar, basopheakhabaar, eosinopheakhabaar, lymphocytes, and monocytes. Neutropheakhabaar ingest or engulf harmful invaders and kill them. This process is called phagocytosis. Basopheakhabaar release a chemical called histamine. Which dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow. And thus helping transport more white blood cells to the infected site. Eosinopheakhabaar are involved in combating parasites. Lymphocytes create antibodies to fight the invaders. Last but not least. Monocytes clean up dead or damaged cells and dead microorganisms. Hence, they are also known as garbage trucks of our immune system.