Fortis Hospital in Gurgaon Address details, Phone number

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Fortis Hospital in Gurgaon is a multi-super specialty, quaternary care hospital with a desirable global faculty, highly skilled clinicians including super-sub-specialists and specialized nurses, supported by latest technology and method.  Built on the four basic attributes of talent, technology, infrastructure and service, it is a top hospital for patients seeking treatment in the areas of cardiac care, renal care, neurosciences, oncology, orthopedics, gastroenterology and mother and child care. Its foundation lies within a campus of 11-acre providing 1000 bed for suffers. It is one of the best hospitals in India as well as the largest private healthcare companies in the nation. For the easy commute of any patient, Fortis Hospitals in Gurgaon have given away their contact details with all essential information. Being a part of the global chain of super specialty hospitals – Fortis Healthcare Limited, the hospital in Gurgaon is managed by professionals with huge experience of working with some of the best healthcare service provider.

Fortis Hospital in Gurgaon was inaugurated in January 2013 though its constructed was carried out since end of 2008. As the hospital is equipped with all contemporary facilities, it has also been termed as the “Next Generation Hospital”. 3 T Digital MRI, 256 Slice CT Scan, Advanced Brain Suite, Cath-Lab, Digital Mammography, e-ICU and Fibre Scan are some the latest competence the sickbay has. Fortis Hospital in Gurgaon Contact Details has been mentioned below for you to contact during emergency.

Fortis Hospital in Gurgaon Contact Details

Address: Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Sector – 44, Opp. HUDA City Centre Metro Station, Gurgaon, Haryana – 122002

Contact Number: +91 124 4962200/ 7162200


As India is becoming the world’s primary health destination at a rapid pace, Fortis Healthcare is covering a firm footage across the nation. One of the most positive aspects of the healthcare organization is that it offers health services and treatments at an affordable cost allowing patients from all social class to avail their world class medical services. Across 11 countries, Fortis Healthcare Limited has 76 healthcare centers, over 12,000 beds, more than 600 primary care centers, 191 day care specialty centers, 230 diagnostic centers supported by a talented team of 23,000 professionals.  As Gurgoan is very near to the capital hub of the nation, it is evolving as leading healthcare institute rendering satisfactory treatments.

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