HTML Language Question: What Is HTML5?

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HTML5 is the latest version of the de facto web programming markup language HTML. HTML and HTML5 standards are created and published by “World Wide Web Consortium” or W3C. HTML5 is created by the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group or WHATWG group in the W3C. The WHATWG group consists of companies like Apple, Google, Mozilla, and Microsoft.

HTML5 History

Even the usage of the HTML5 is about 6 years the work started a long time ago. The WHATWG working group began work in 2004. The HTML 4.01 had not been updated since 2000. The first public working draft of the HTML5 specification is produced on 22 January 2008 by Google and Apple.

HTML5 was initially released in October 2014 as a recommended standard by W3C. HTML5 is created as a living standard which means it will regularly be updated without waiting for a long time. HTML5.1 is released in 2016 with some minor updates and the most recent HTML5 version 5.2 is released in 2017. Even HTML5.3 draft is created in 2017 it is not complete and not recommended by the W3C.

HTML5 Advantages

HTML5 is a revolution for web site and application development. HTML5 introduced new elements and attributes for a modern web site.

New Elements of the HTML5 are

  • article
  • aside
  • audio
  • bdi
  • canves
  • command
  • data
  • datalist
  • details
  • embed
  • figcaption
  • figure
  • footer
  • header
  • keygen
  • mark
  • meter
  • nav
  • output
  • progress
  • rp
  • rt
  • ruby
  • section
  • source
  • summary
  • time
  • track
  • video
  • wbr

Alternative To Adobe Flash: Adobe Flash is used for a long time for interactive web pages, videos, and games. Adobe flash work as a 3rd party plugin which created some performance problems. Also Adobe Flash was very vulnerable to the security attacks. HTML5 provides the same functionality of Adobe Flash natively. Adobe will stop the distribution and support at the end of 2023.

WebRTC is another revolutionary technology provided with HTML. WebRTC is used to run real-time communication via simple API. It allows audio and video communication in web pages without a 3rd party plugin or code or library.

Ajax Request or XMLHttpRequest: Ajax is a popular technology which is used to make HTTP request without a page reload. JavaScript or JavaScript libraries like Angular, ReactJS, jQuery can be used to make multiple HTTP requests in the same page without a reload and put returned HTTP response data into the current page which will make web page dynamic and improve the user experience.

Device Access: With HTML5 web pages or web applications, they can access current system devices like webcam, storage, microphone, etc. easily. Also, this access can be managed or blocked with browsers.

Browsers HTML5 Compability

HTML5 code is evaluated and presented via web browsers. As HTML5 is an enormous standard and provides a lot of details under the hood not all features of the HTML5 are supported by all browsers. Don’t worry most of the HTML5 features are supported by the major browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge, Safari, etc. page can be used to check current browser HTML5 compatibility. As an example, the following screenshot is about Google Chrome 83.

Browsers HTML5 Compability

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