Read 17 May in Indian history, birthdays, events

Full information of 17 May in Indian history: Know about May 17 special day in India, famous birthdays, events in news articles on e akhabaar.

17 May in Indian history and Important Events

May 17 famous birthdays in India – Famous people that have birthdays on this day in history 17 May

1951- Pankaj Udhas, ghazal singer, hailing from Gujarat.

1979- Mukta Barve, Indian television, film and theatre actress and a producer.

1980- Krishika Lulla, Indian film producer.

1983- Deeya Chopra, Indian television actress.

1983- Harshad Chopda, Indian actor known for his portrayal of Cadet Ali Baig in Left Right Left.

1985- Nushrat Bharucha, Indian actress known for her work in Bollywood films.

1987- Bikram Chatterjee, Bengali film actor.

1987- Charmy Kaur, Indian film producer and former actress.

1992- Koushani Mukherjee, Indian actress who mainly appeared in Bengali films

1865- Govind Sakharam Sardesai was a historian from Maharashtra, India.

1895- Nakul Chandra Bhuyan was an Assamese historian, playwright, and short story writer.

1920- Santha Kumari was an Indian musical artist and film actress.

1937- H. R. Bhardwaj was an Indian politician who was Governor of Karnataka from 2009 to 2014.

1952- Shyam Ramsay was a Bollywood film director.

Today in history India 17 May

Today in history India 17 May – Famous people that have death anniversaries on this day in history 17 May

1988- Gururaj Ananda Yogi was the founder of International Foundation of Spiritual Unfoldment and Foundation for International Spiritual Unfoldment.

2014- C. P. Krishnan Nair, Indian businessman, founded The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts.

17 May in Indian history

Today in history India 17 May Events

2014- The center-right Hindu Nationalist Party, the BJP, wins landslide election victory in India.

World Telecommunication Day is observed every year on 17 May to help raise awareness of the possibilities that the use of Internet and other information and communication technologies.

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