Read iOS Interview Questions and Answers for Job Interviews

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iOS Interview Questions and Answers for beginners and experts. List of frequently asked iOS Questions with answers by Besant Technologies. We hope these iOS interview questions and answers are useful and will help you to get the best job in the networking industry. These iOS interview questions and answers are prepared by iOS Professionals based on MNC Company’s expectations. Stay tuned we will update New iOS Interview questions with Answers Frequently.

Besant Technologies supports the students by providing iOS interview questions and answers for the job placements and job purposes. iOS is the leading important course in the present situation because more job openings and the high salary pay for this iOS and more related jobs.

iOS app is becoming very popular and there are many iOS users steadily rising all over the world. Lots of loyal customers are available for iOS devices, helping in the development of new advanced devices like Apple Watch and TV. Preparation on iOS app development questions and answers is the coolest method to improve and demonstrate an individual skills to the employer. There has never been a better time to become an iOS developer. To give a super boost to your career, below is a list of regularly posted iOS interview questions which helps in passing the IOS job interview.

Here is the list of most frequently asked iOS Interview Questions and Answers in technical interviews. These iOS questions and answers are suitable for both freshers and experienced professionals at any level. The iOS questions are for intermediate to somewhat advanced iOS professionals, but even if you are just a beginner or fresher you should be able to understand the iOS answers and explanations here we give.

In this post, you will get the most important and top iOS Interview Questions and Answers, which will be very helpful and useful to those who are preparing for jobs.

Q1) Give the abbreviation of iOS

Abbreviation of iOS – intelligent Operating System

Q2) Explain iOS

Apple Inc created and developed a mobile operating system called iOS (intelligent Operating System).

Q3) Is it possible to inherit the structures?

No, you cannot inherit the structures.

Q4) Give the abbreviation for ARC

Abbreviation of ARC is “Automatic Reference Counting”.

Q5) Define Tuples in Swift

For multiple values, we have a Temporary container called Tuples. Tuples is enclosed in parentheses and has a list a type which are comma-separated.

Q6) Provide the cloud transfer statements in swift

The cloud transfer statements are fallthrough, throw, break, return, and continue.

Q7) Provide few Swift features

Below are some of the features of Swift

  • Overflow is checked for Integers and Arrays
  • Classes in unsafe mode are eliminated
  • Automatic management of Memory is performed
  • Instead of ‘if’ statement, users can make use of Switch function

Q8) Give the importance of ‘?’ in Swift

At the time of property declaration, the question mark ‘?’ is used to make a property optional.

Q9) Define method overloading

A method that has similar names more than one time but with different arguments is called method overloading.

Q10) Give the abbreviation of QOS

Abbreviation of QOS is Quality of Service

Q11) What is the purpose of QOS?

Using QOS in iOS, users can dispatch queues, prioritize queues, POSIX threads, and thread objects. When the user assigns the task priority wise, iOS apps give a quick response.

Q12) Define DeadLock

A deadlock is a situation where two different programs or processed depend on one another for completion, either because both are using.

Q13) Explain Cocoa

To develop applications which run on Mac OS X, Cocoa provides Foundation and AppKit frameworks.

Q14) Explain Cocoa Touch

To develop applications which run on iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, Cocoa Touch provides Foundation and UI framework.

Q15) Provide the various property types

The various property types are atomic & non-atomic, assign, strong, weak, retain and copy.

Q16) Provide the available design patterns of iOS

Façade, Delegate, Command, Model View Controller, Temple method, Observer, and Singleton are the available design patterns of iOS.

Q17) What are the methods available to pass the data between view controllers?

Setting variable directly (Forward), Delegate (Backward), and Segue, in prepareForSegue method (Forward) are the three methods available to pass the data between view controllers.

Q18) Provide the different types of dispatch queues

Main, Concurrent and Serial are the different types of dispatch queues.

Q19) What is the use of Key Value Observing (KVO)?

Key Value Observing (KVO) is used to detect modifications to a value or property.

Q20) What is the use of Key Value Coding (KVC)?

Key Value Coding (KVC) is used to access a value or property with the help of string.

Q21) Provide the different levels of application

Background, Active, Inactive, Suspended, and Not running are the different levels of application.

Q22) Explain Delegate in iOS

Delegate in iOS is used to generate the relationship between the objects, and it serves with one-to-one communication.

Q23) Explain Notification in iOS

Notification in iOS is a one-to-many communication and this is used to when an object needs to notify other objects of an event.

Q24) Give the accountability of URLSession

You can use URLSession to send and receive HTTP requests.

Q25) Provide the different types of URLSession tasks

URLSessionDownloadTask, URLSessionUploadTask, and URLSessionDataTask are the three (3) types of URLSession tasks.

Q26) Explain JSON

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a trivial, text based and simple method of exchanging and storing data.

Q27) Explain app thinning

To reduce the app size at the time of downloading, app thinning concept is used.

Q28) What are the different methods to reduce the app size?

Bitcode, App Slicing and On-Demand Resource are the three methods used to reduce the app size.

Q29) Describe Bundle ID in iOS

A unique string which is helpful in identifying the application to the system is called Bundle ID.

Q30) List out the certificate types which is essential for developing and issuing apps

Development Certificate, Development & Distributing Certificates, and Distribution Certificates are the three (3) types of certificates.

Q31) Can you provide the binaries that is helpful for installing the app in a device?

.app and .ipa are the two (2) binaries helpful for installing the app in a device.

Q32) Why to use swift over objective C?

Swift over objective C is a safer platform, readable, quick, and has less legacy and less code.

Q33) Which one is the latest xcode version?

The latest version of Xcode is 10.1

Q34) Explain TVMLKit

There is a glue between JavaScript, TVML and the native tvOS apps which is called TVMLKit.

Q35) What is MVC?

MVC- Models, Views, Controller.

Q36) Explain GCD

GCD is Grand Central Dispatch, is a library which is providing object based and low-level API to run tasks concomitantly when managing threads that is not in the picture.

Q37) In Swift, when can you use deinit?

To perform few actions or cleanup prior to object deallocation, users can make use of deinit in Swift.

Q38) Provide the features of iOS 12

Health Records, Siri Shortcuts, Natural Language, CarPlay and ARKit 2 are the major features of iOS 12.

Q39) Explain retain in iOS

Retain in iOS is useful in creating an orientation from one object to the other and rises the source object retain count.

Q40) Explain assign in iOS

Assign in iOS is useful in creating an orientation from one object to the other without raising the source object’s retain count.

Q41) How do you say an app is not in a running state?

When an app is not launched or when a system terminates the app at the time of running, app will not be in running state.

Q42) How to you say an app is in active state?

When an app is running in the foreground and retrieving events, app is said to be in active state.

Q43) Explain iBeacon

iBeacon is enabling the mobile app to get the signals from beacons in this physical world and act accordingly.

Q44) During launch time, which method is used to execute code in the first chance?

The method “application:willFinishLaunchingWithOptions” is used to execute the code for the first time.

Q45) Before displaying the app to the user, which method is used to perform final utilization?

The method “application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions” is used to execute the code for the first time.

Q46) For JSONSerialization, provide the rendering options.

allowFragments, MutableContainers, and MutableLeaves are the rendering options of JSONSerialization.

Q47) To achieve concurrency in iOS, what are the methods?

The three methods to achieve concurrency in iOS are operation queues, threads and dispatch queues.

Q48) Explain defer

The keyword ‘defer’ affords a code block executed in the situation while execution is exiting the present scope.

Q49) List out the various annotations that are available in Objective C

nullable, null_unspecified, null_resettable and nonnull are the four (4) annotations available in Objective C.

Q50) Why to use ‘reuseIdentifier’?

If you want to group all the similar rows together from UITableView, ‘reuseIdentifier’ is used.

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