What Is MCT Oil? 10 Health Benefits of MCT Oil


MCT is an abbreviation of the oil’s chemical structure – medium-chain triglycerides also called medium-chain fatty acids. They’re medium as they have only 6-10 carbon atoms. The oil is made from pure MCTs extracted from whole foods, specifically coconuts and palm oil. There are 4 different types of MCTs –

– Caproic Acid (6 carbons)
– Caprylic Acid (8 carbons)
– Capric Acid (10 carbons)
– Lauric Acid (12 carbons)

A typical dosage of MCT oil is 1 tbsp daily. It can be added to salads and smoothies or taken as supplements. Also great to be mixed with protein pre- and post-workout shakes as it is guaranteed to improve both training intensity and recovery.

List of MCT Oil Benefits

1. Helps weight loss: MCT is a form of healthy fat and hence keeps you fuller for longer, helping you avoid that pesky urge to snack. As it gets rapidly used up by your body as energy, it does not get deposited in your fat cells thereby lowering the risk of weight gain. Due to the release of ketones during the fat-burning process, MCT also gives you a metabolic boost and raises your energy, helping you exercise more and keep fit.

2. MCT oil keeps Heart-healthy: As MCT oil suppresses fat deposition, enhances metabolism, and improves insulin sensitivity, it helps prevent many lifestyle diseases. It also may help prevent a combination of factors such as unhealthy levels of blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol that increases the risk for diabetes and heart disease.

3. Gut-healthy: MCTs are natural antibiotics and can kill certain types of harmful bacteria without affecting the beneficial bacteria. This leads to a better gut environment with an improved defense against harmful bacteria, fungi, and parasites. MCT also helps the gut by increasing the absorbability of nutrients.

4. Improves memory: As our brain is made up majorly of fatty acids, we get more energy and have a clearer cognitive function when we supply our bodies with MCT oil.  Ketones are able to pass through the blood-brain barrier and serve as fuel for the central nervous system, making MCTs a direct supporter of our brain health. People suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease have shown improvement when given MCT oil in their diet.