10 Benefits and Uses of Rosemary Leaves

The health benefits and uses of rosemary leaves  

1. Rosemary is a common herb which is used to flavour delicious meals. This has been used since ancient times and has some excellent health benefits for the human body.

2. Rosemary contains salicylic acid which thins the blood and prevents blood clots. Drinking rosemary tea works to get rid of headaches and aches and pains quickly.

3. The leaves of the rosemary are usually stripped from the plant and then boiled water is added to make a herbal tea. They are also often sprinkled over meats to add flavour It is commonly paired with delicious lamb and mutton dishes.

4. The leaves are also often dried and ground into a fine powder. This keeps the herb fresh in an airtight container for up to year or more.

5. This herb is an excellent source of iron, calcium and vitamin B6. These nutrients help the body to maintain healthy bones and blood circulation.

6. Since ancient times, rosemary has been used to enhance memory and recall. The nutrients and antioxidants improve the health of the brain and cognitive function.

7. In Europe, rosemary is often used to treat indigestion and stomach related problems. It has been approved in Germany as a treatment for indigestion.

8. Rosemary essential oil can be purchased and used around the home as the aroma increases focus and attention. It is a wonderful, inviting and warm fragrance.

9. Studies have shown that rosemary contains an ingredient called carnosic acid. This destroys harmful free radicals in the brain and is useful for those who have had a stroke. It can improve brain recovery and protect against further damage.

10. Carnosic acid within rosemary also improves the health of the eyes and protects against macular degeneration with age.

11. Extremely high doses of rosemary can be dangerous to pregnant mothers. Be sure to speak to your doctor if you are with child or breastfeeding.

12. The leaves can be mashed into a paste and applied to the skin to treat muscle paint such as myalgia and sciatica.

13. Applying a coat of rosemary paste or rosemary oil to the skin treats irritation such as eczema. It also speeds up the healing process for bruises and wounds.

14. Rosemary and Nettle Leaf water are used as a herbal rinse for the hair. It gets rid of dandruff and helps to protect the hair from damage.

15. Rosemary tea can be swished around the mouth and gargled to get rid of toothache and destroy harmful bacteria in the throat.

16. Sprigs of dried rosemary are placed behind cabinets and wardrobes to repel small pests such as mice or rats during the winter.

17. Studies also show that rosemary slows the spreading of leukaemia and breast carcinoma cells for those with cancer. It can also slow the effects of cancer-causing substances in cooked beef.

18. Rosemary Is excellent to use when making red onion chutney or jam. The flavour combination works well and is very healthy when no sugar is added.

19. Did you know that rosemary was even referenced in Shakespeare’s Hamlet?