5 Tips for Successful SEO Marketing

Keywords: Try to spread focus on between 15 different keywords. It is important to ensure that each keyword has a good search volume, but it’s also essential to make sure not too many pages share the same keywords. This causes problems with over-optimization which can get the website flagged by Google for being “spammy.” A general rule of thumb would be one page per keyword phrase in order to maintain balance.

Title Tag: It is the first highlight that people see when they do a search for your website, so it’s important to include keywords in this section as well. It also helps Google to understand the page and helps with rankings on SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages). Make sure to have at least 72 characters in this area of content because anything less may not show up properly on some browsers or might be cut off due to limited screen space.

Meta Description: It should contain a brief summary of an article that includes any relevant information which should not be longer than 150 characters, and it is best to include keywords in this section as well.

Page Title: It is the last thing on content that Google will see before deciding on the relevance or value of the site for a particular keyword phrase. It should also contain any important keywords targeted while still being brief enough to have at least one sentence describing the content of that page (recommended limit of approximately 70 characters).

Sitemap: It should be created before editing the website so that Google or other search engines can better find and index all of the pages published. This makes it easier for them to crawl through everything in a logical order, as well as ensure they do not miss anything important when building their SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

Mobile-Friendly: It is always good to ensure that content is mobile-friendly because people access websites more often on their phones than on tablets or laptops. Update any images with smaller file sizes like JPEGs, rather than GIFs, which take up much larger amounts of space.