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Asthma can become life-threatening if you ignore treating the condition at the right time. More than 25 million people across the globe suffer from asthma. And, it is also familiar as bronchial asthma, which affects your lungs.

During an asthma attack, the muscles around the airways face constriction, disrupting the proper airflow. The lining of the airways also becomes swollen, and the body starts to secrete more mucus. This eventually blocks the airflow from the lungs and into the lungs.

Asthma usually gets triggered by certain environmental conditions, and based on the severity, it is of two types –

  • Intermittent – When the asthma symptoms come and go.
  • Persistent – When asthma stays for a more extended period, the symptom changes from mild to severe. This is also known as an asthma attack.

If chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlaps it, the condition becomes ACOS. And, this makes it quite challenging to treat the condition.

Now, you might have certain queries in your mind about asthma. We are about the answer some of the most frequently asked questions –

 1. Who is at risk of getting asthma?

Asthma can occur at any age, and it can start at the age of 5 or when you reach adulthood. Further, exposure to allergen or tobacco smoke can trigger asthma. Even passive smokers or third hand smokers also have the probability of getting asthma. According to recent data, a female child tends to develop asthma from birth more than a male child.

 2. What are the common elements that trigger asthma?

Asthma can occur due to allergic or non-allergic reasons or genetic conditions. It can get triggered due to air pollution, dust mite allergy, exercise, cockroaches or other pests, tobacco smoke, strong chemicals, occupational exposure, damp areas and pet dander.

 3. What are the signs of asthma?

Some obvious signs and symptoms can help you identify respiratory infections or asthma. Severe pressure on the chest while breathing, chest tightness, coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing, difficulty in breathing, etc. Especially at night, asthma tends to develop more severe symptoms. But, as asthma reaches its chronic stage, the signs and symptoms tend to change.

 4. How can you diagnose asthma?

A specialist would check your medical history and other information that you provide. This helps to identify the presence of asthma. The health care specialist may ask you about the symptoms and presence of any other lung disease. You need to go through a spirometer test, along with a blood test and skin test. The airflow through the lungs is diagnosed closely, and then there is a progression in treatment.

 5. How can medications help to control the symptoms of asthma?

The doctor may prescribe medications to aid you in controlling the signs and asthma. Children usually use an inhaler. Other than that –

  • Bronchodilators – This helps to relax the muscles around the airways and allows normal passage of air by removing the mucus.
  • Anti-inflammatory medicines – The airways get swollen, and thus, the entry and exit of the air into the lungs face restriction. This medicine reduces the swelling and also restricts mucus production.
  • Biologic therapies – If inhaler therapy does not provide you with any benefit, biologic treatment is the only treatment.

Moreover, you cannot take asthma medicine directly. But instead, metered-dose inhalers or nebulizers are used.

 6. How can you control asthma?

At first, you need to understand the symptoms and then act accordingly. If your occupational area has any irritant substance, try to work from home. Try to use an inhaler whenever you face breathing problems. Moreover, stay conscious during weather changes and try not to catch a cold.

 7. Is it possible to monitor asthma at home? 

You can easily track asthma symptoms and manage it. The specialist recommends the peak flow meter to understand how fast you can blow out air from your lungs. Based on the results, you can understand whether the symptoms would get worse.


Thus, whenever you get an asthma attack, do not panic. Instead, reach out for your rescue inhaler and dial the emergency number. You need to keep asthma under check, especially at night, because asthma worsens at these odd hours. At MultiSpeciality Hospitals, you will get prompt emergency services without any delay and the best treatment facilities to control asthma.

Full details of Frequently Asked Questions About Asthma Attack on our website.