Know Heart Attack Symptoms: What Should You Do? online

Check about Heart Attack Symptoms: What Should You Do? on e akhabaar.

Heart disease is a major health concern in India. It is a very serious condition that needs to be treated immediately. The incidence of a heart attack in India is significantly higher than in western countries. More than four out of five cardiovascular diseases deaths are due to heart attacks and strokes. Heart attacks are mostly caused by coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease can cause a buildup of plaque which narrows the arteries and restricts the flow of blood to the heart muscles, leading to a heart attack. Smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, high blood pressure are some of the underlying causes of cardiovascular problems. 

Earlier diagnosis and timely treatment can prevent congestive heart failure. If you live in Boisar, come to Best Hospital for a full body checkup in Boisar.

In most cases, people find it difficult to tell or understand when someone is having a heart attack, and people can’t diagnose themselves. So, what are the common symptoms of heart attack you can check for?

Common Symptoms Of Heart Attack

  • Chest pain, tightness, or a squeezing or aching sensation
  • A pain or discomfort that travels to the shoulder, arm, back, neck, jaw, teeth, or occasionally to the upper abdomen
  • Nausea, indigestion, or heartburn
  • Shortness of breath, Sweating
  • Lightheadedness, dizziness, fainting

Chest pain generally lasts for more than 15 minutes during a heart attack. Some people suffer from mild chest pain, and others suffer from more severe pain. People commonly describe the discomfort as pressure or heaviness in the chest, although some people have no chest pain or discomfort at all. Symptoms for women are usually more vague, such as nausea or back or jaw pain. Even though some heart attacks happen suddenly, many people experience warning signs for hours or days.

Steps To Take During Heart Attack Emergency

Call Emergency Help

If someone is experiencing chest pain, tightness, or heaviness in their chest and they are potential symptoms of a heart attack, call the local hospital emergency number immediately. The person should also lie down and wait for help to arrive. If you live in boisar, google search ‘best multispeciality hospital in Boisar’ to quickly get the details of hospitals providing 24×7 cardiac ambulance services in your city. 

Take Aspirin 

You can give the patient aspirin till your emergency help arrives. Aspirin helps prevent blood clotting. If taken during a heart attack, it may reduce damage to the heart. Taking aspirin is not a suitable option for all. If you have an allergy to aspirin or your physician has instructed you not to take it, do not take it. We highly recommend discussing this with your doctor in advance. Feel free to consult the best Cardiologist in Boisar. 

Give CPR

Most people might have heard about CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, but they don’t know its benefits and process. It is a technique used in first aid for arresting breathing and restoring circulation after sudden cardiac arrest. It is given if the patient becomes unconscious. Everyone should know how to give CPR in case of emergency to help save someone’s life one day at the hospital or elsewhere.

CPR Tips

Put your hands on the person’s chest with their arms making a cross over their body. Push down on their breastbone with the palm of your hand then release quickly. Now, blow air in their mouth holding chin up and repeat the step until the patient gains consciousness or emergency services arrive.  Prefer giving CPR  if you are trained in it. The idea is to make the right first aid action at the right time.

Stay Prepared

Nobody wishes to suffer a heart attack. However, it is important to stay prepared for it. Anyone and everyone can suffer a heart attack due to various CVDs- diagnosed or undiagnosed. Be prepared. Know the symptoms, know your health risks, talk to your family and friends about your symptoms, do not ignore symptoms, prepare a list of medicines you take, allergies you have, your doctor’s contact numbers. All these will help your family and friends help you in case you suffer a heart attack. Learn CPR and teach people CPR. Trust us; this can be lifesaving for you or others. 

Wrap Up!

We hope this blog has shared valuable insights on managing first-aid for heart attacks. Best Hospital’s emergency services are available 24×7.  We also have cardiac ambulances to help patients with the best initial treatment before reaching the best hospital in Palghar. Get in touch with us for your cardiac consultations. 

Also Read:-

Full details of Heart Attack Symptoms: What Should You Do? on our website.