On Page Optimization | Essential On-Page SEO Factors

On page is the most important factor in ranking. If you check you’ll find that 95% weightage of SEO is on-page SEO. Let’s start from the beginning. H1, H2, H3 Headings We need to put our most important lines in the H1 tag. next is H2- subpoints Let’s try to understand.

Let’s say SEO is H1. This means I am talking about SEO. and it has 2 parts: On page and OFF page. So On-page is H2. OFF page is H2 too. Basically we need to use H1 once. And H1 we can use multiple times. We can go to H6. Remember H2 will come inside H1. and H3 inside H2. and so on. Like the person can understand the series of our content. But Google won’t So for a successful crawling we need to give headings. Tags like H1, H2….etc But people used to think that H1 means big and H2 means small. You can even make H1, H3 look the same by increasing their size. But there’s some other story behind the backend. The next thing is the Yoast SEO. If you are starting your career in SEO. Then Yoast SEO is the best. Plugin for WordPress. this plugin will tell you about the content(headings etc) Keyword density, readability Whether you’ve kept your focus keyword in the beginning or not. Focus keyword like I need to write a blog on SEO. SEO is my focus keyword. It’ll automatically recommend me to write my focus keyword.


Optimize Your SEO Content with On-Page SEO

People say Add keywords in the description. But you need to write appealing catchy lines. So that he opens our link. Think about it whenever you search for something on google. You open the link after reading the description right? If that description is not appealing, you won’t open it. Some inappropriate or irrelevant data. You won’t open it. Sometimes we don’t even open the page because we got our answers from the description itself :p So the description is very important. Let’s talk about internal and external linking. Internal linking means. That my pages. I added links to my other pages/blogs. Let’s say A page ranks better. And I am getting huge traffic too. If I link some other pages also. Chances are high that visitors may see those pages too. At least 10,000 out of 1 lakh? Ultimately win-win situation Our aim is to increase our engagement. Our traffic is increasing. Another thing is external linking. What happens with external linking. Let’s say I wrote marketing. Marketing has it’s meaning How does google know? What am I trying to express about marketing? Sometimes internal politics Let’s say I am writing internals. Internals of this mobile phone. Internals means specification So I can link that internal to specification Google will know this. Google can easily read your website. that’s it You just need to execute your content in an easy manner. and also to google bot, That’s it One more thing Our page speed should be fast. What we can do for that? Keep the image small/compressed. Quality less. Our page’s loading time. The server should be fast. I don’t know why people made a big deal of this. On-page SEO blah blah SEO is the most important thing. Content is important too And writes in such depth that he shares with his/her friends. This is a real SEO. Not this.