Top 10 Facts About Black Rhinos

As with other types of Rhino, their skin is very sensitive to them and they can feel the touch of a feather.

Black Rhinos are also known as the hook-lipped rhino Their scientific name is Diceros bicornis Overall, the Black Rhino has four subspecies There are two African Rhino, and the black rhino is the smaller of the two species. Adult males weigh in at 1,350 kg and female adults weigh in at up to 900 kg. Their young can weigh between 35 – 45kg at birth Black Rhinos can stand about 1.6m high up to their shoulders.

There is actually no difference in the colouration between the black rhino and white rhino. In fact, they are actually a dark grey colour. However, there may be some local variables that affect this colouration such as the colour of the soil in the place where they are. Black Rhinos have a more pronounced hump on their neck than white rhinos do. The Black Rhino only have hair on their eyelashes, ears, and on the tips of their taeakhabaar.

The Black Rhino actually only has two horns. These horns grow continuously from their skin which is at their base and will carry on growing throughout their lives. The shape and size of the horns will vary between Black Rhinos of different locations Male Black Rhinos have thicker horns whereas females have thinner and much longer horns.

The horn of a Black Rhino is made up of many thousands of hair-like strands of keratin. Much like that of human toenaeakhabaar and fingernaeakhabaar. The front anterior horn is the larger of the two horns than the back posterior horn. It measures around 50cm. Compared to White Rhinos, Black rhinos have smaller heads and will look to feed on bushes and trees that are higher, an action that requires not as much muscle strength. The biggest difference between the Black Rhinos and White Rhinos is that Black Rhinos have a hooked lip whereas White Rhinos have a flat-based lip.

They are found throughout eastern and southern Africa in countries such as Angola, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Cameroon, Tanzania and Kenya.

They enjoy habitat which provides a natural resource for them such as close to vegetation and water. Black rhinos tend to be solitary creatures and quite a territorial bordering in aggressive with their habitat. However, they can gather socially at places such as watering holes and females will also remain close to their calves. Amongst the male population, there are dominant and subordinate individuals. Subordinates tend to be young adults who submit to the dominant adult. They tend to live up to 30-35 years in the wild. When they are mating, a male black rhino will sense that a female is in oestrus and will move slowly towards the female over the space of a few days. Once she has accepted him, she will put up her tail to signal that she is ready to mate. After they have mated, the male Black Whino can stay with the female Black Rhino for up to 30 days Black Rhinos communicate by scent marking as they have very poor eyesight. This is particularly by urine spraying and leaving dung piles known as middens to mark their territory.

Black Rhinos can also communicate by head rubbing and sniffing and snorting.

Black rhinos are both diurnal and nocturnal but are not very active during the hottest parts of the day. During this time they will seek shade and shelter from the sun. Calves stay with their mother for between 2-4 years before being sent on their way. Black rhinos can run at speeds of up to 55 km/h. There are approximately 5055 Black Rhinos remaining and they are a critically endangered species. (according to figures published by IUCN in 2012).